Monday, October 7, 2019

Poverty and Pollution Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Poverty and Pollution Case Study - Essay Example Many of the businesses firms in third world nations across continents have collapsed due to in obedience to the business ethics. More on that, said nations do not establish an ethical decision making process. Ethical decision-making process encourages ethical business behavior (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2012).   Business Pollution and Poverty. Third World Countries are the states characterized by poor economies. Developing countries is another name for these very poor nations in the world. The common factors that makes a state be referred to as a Third World Country are low economical development, high poverty levels, heavy dependency to industrialized states, mortality infancy is high, and low natural resource utilization. The developing countries, famously Third World Countries, have a characteristic that they are technologically less developed, and they highly depend on the industrialized nations in the world for their survival. Moreover, these states has a high population grow th rate, high levels of illiteracy, and diseases since they do not establish proper disease management practices in both prevention and treatment. In addition, the reported high diseases are due to poor environmental conservation practices. This may include poor disposal of chemical industrial emissions to the air and water bodies. The pollution mostly occurs in water, land, and noise. These pollutions are done through dumping or disposal of toxic chemicals into the water bodies, and toxic gasses into the atmosphere (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2012).  The said disposal leads to business environmental contamination. This greatly affects inhabitants around the industrial business firm. Arguably, it can therefore, be said that the firm’s workers reside from within the environment. This reflects that pollution of the environment will have to affect the firm in one way or the other. This in turn, affects the production process of the firm activities. Besides the above named type s of pollutions, there exists land pollution, which has turned out to be a threat in many nations of the United States; majorly those depend on agricultural activities for survival. It is arguable that, when the soil through land pollution is contaminated, it no longer becomes nutritious for crop growth. This will consequently, lead to reduced crop yield and hence, hunger. Consequently, the said land pollution leads to poverty through the said reduced farm crop yields and hunger. Arguably, many industries have greatly aided the environmental pollution in million ways. Many extracting companies and industries have taken minimum precautions in environmental conservation, an act that has lead to a lot of pollution. Evidently, if suitable cautions and precautions not well taken, then it mean the future generation of the society is greatly, exposed to danger as some of the extraction companies, deal with nuclear element, and some radioactive chemicals. These elements really pollute the a tmosphere, which carries the air (oxygen) we breathe. Some of the industrial excretions, the unwanted toxic chemical materials are dumped, or disposed in rivers and other water bodies. (Tittle, 2000).   People in the society nearly are, exposed to the contaminated water sources and bodies on daily basis through either consumption or bathing. Understanding that the water is chemically contaminated, high chances are that the habitants of the business environm

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