Wednesday, October 9, 2019

People of Filipino Heritage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

People of Filipino Heritage - Essay Example The literature review unveils some key findings that can be a hindrance to the provision of culture competent care. In communication, the Filipinos culture requires a nurse to demonstrate a high level of understanding and compassion through the use of the right and respectful title for the elderly. Nonverbal communication and respect for personal space are other aspects that will make communication effective. A brief look at the family organization and roles reveals that roles are given to members according to their age and ability. Those who can work fend for the family while the elderly are caregivers to the infants and the young. In health care, Filipinos use both traditional and contemporary medication. The traditional or herbalist intervention is the initial consultant before resorting to hospitals if conditions persist. Economic stagnation and a constantly growing labor force in the Philippines is the main cause of its emigration policy. The aim of this emigration policy is to export the surplus labor to other parts of the world and alleviate the level of pressure that the home economy is facing in an attempt to provide jobs (Zontini, 2010). In this study, the asymmetry of migration by gender is also a subject of discussion. Many of the literature cited in this work point to the socio-economic aspects of life as the main cause of migration from Philippines. The patterns of emigration of the Filipinos by gender have a number of differences. For most Filipino women, the countries that they migrate to present opportunities for female related jobs like nursing and health related functions. For their male compatriots, the countries they migrate to provide opportunities in fields that are labor intensive and masculine jobs. Examples of the counties that the males migrate to are Gulf region countries with oil and that provide labor intensive jobs. Females, on the

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