Wednesday, October 2, 2019

film Essays -- essays research papers

The film, El Norte, is a believable portrayal of a Guatemalan family’s struggles in the 1980s. The story is divided into three parts. The first part of the story takes place in a village in Guatemala. The Xuncax family is in danger when the father, an activist leader, helps organize the local workers. Because of the father’s activism and his attempt to preserve what rightfully belongs to them, he is murdered. The mother is then taken away by the army, never to be seen again. The brother, Enrique, and the sister, Rosa, are left behind in the village. They fear for their lives and share the hope of a better life in â€Å"the north.† They recall the stories told to them by their godmother. They viewed pictures and stories in an American magazine, Good Housekeeping, portraying images of the â€Å"American Dream.† So often, this image is presented in such a manner that many readers in the U.S. and in other countries get the message that this dream is easily attainable and close at hand. Rosa and Enrique are also seduced by this false presentation of the U.S. They believed this myth about life in the north, so they fled from their violent situation, only to trade their present set of problems for another kind of intensified conflict as undocumented immigrants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The director was careful to present a fictional story based on the real life struggles of undocumented immigrants. The authentic portrayal of the people and their story is powerful. The characters are no...

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