Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Development of Indian-EuroAmerican Relations from Contact to Essay

The Development of Indian-EuroAmerican Relations from Contact to Removal - Essay Example This relationship has consistently been marred by violence, broken promises and mistrust, and remains a key part of the American history. Early Indian-EuroAmerican relations were an ever-changing and involving area, where perceptions on both sides were not static. Indians had the ability to play different European powers off against each other, and, likewise, the Europeans did this with different Indian tribes. At this time, the two groups existed in a continually revolving relationship. Some tribes became nomadic, taking advantage of the newly introduced horses, while others settled down into permanent villages and made use of agriculture supplemented by hunting and gathering. Even before the first contact with the Europeans, Indians represented a diverse set of tribes that had their own interests, waged their own wars and formed their own alliances. Once the contact had occurred, Indians often welcomed alliances with the Europeans, or bought weapons and goods that made their lives easier (Howe 26-28). Relations between Indians and Europeans were marred by a significant effect that the Europeans had on their population. As the Europeans came in contact with Indians, they often passed on diseases which they (Europeans) had resistance to, but the Indians did not. In general, this transference was not intentional, and in most cases the Europeans were probably not aware that they had the diseases, as their immune systems fought against the effects. These diseases resulted in a high number of fatalities (Howe 28). At this point in Indian-EuroAmerican relations, there was a strong focus on integrating the two cultural groups by ‘westernizing’ the Indians. Many Indian tribes adopted aspects of the European culture and often chose which components of the new culture to accept and which to ignore. For example, the Navajo tribe moved from being nomads to weavers, sheepherders and silversmiths. Many other tribes or individuals converted to Christianity while others maintained their traditional religious beliefs. Some believed that they should unify with the Europeans, creating a peaceful coexistence throughout the United States. Others felt that Indian tribes should unify with one another against the Europeans (Howe 27). Some tribes created alliances and treaties with the Europeans to secure their own tribal rights and to work on the creation of a unified culture. One example of this is the Muskogee tribe, known to the Europeans as the Creek Indians. The tribe negotiated with George Washington’s administration to create a treaty, and developed a legal written code and national council. However, the influence of the Europeans on this tribe was not uniform, and a dissident faction called â€Å"Red Stick† arose, which resented the influence that Europeans were having on their culture. The uprising was not successful and resulted in a significant amount of bloodshed (Howe 28-29). The war between the United States and Britain in 1812 also had a significant impact on Indian-EuroAmerican relations. Despite the fact that some tribes attempted to choose neutrality in the war, most were compelled to choose to support one side or another. This resulted in many Indians fighting alongside either Americans or Europeans against Indian families or friends (Howe 29). This was an important factor after the war too, because many Indians fought on the losing

Monday, October 28, 2019

Love for Cooking Essay Example for Free

Love for Cooking Essay Goal: In this paper I tried to open to different ideas to cooking opposed to giving directions about how to cook. I tried to provide each reason with two examples to give readers a better understanding about what food can really be about. Evaluation: I feel like I did good on the overview on covering all the basics on cooking to where its understandable and relateable opposed to writing is as a recipe or directions list that most people would think cooking is about. Cooking a satisfying dish has three aspects. The first aspect that is usually the most important is eating with the eyes. An example is how the dish is plated, how it smells, and how appealing and appetizing it looks to the eye. Another example that compares to the first example is that if food is plated sloppy or looks and smells unappetizing, it generally doesnt catch peoples attention. A second aspect that relates to the first aspect is using fresh ingredients. Using fresh ingredients means a healthier meal, and also getting natural vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and ect. Another example is using fresh food opposed to processed food, because everyone wants to knows what theyre eating. One last aspect is making the dish taste fantastic. A dish that tastes good has people eating more of it, even though it might not be good for them to over-stuff. Another reason is people asking for the recipe or asking the chef to prepare their meals boost confidence in the chef knowing she made a good meal for everyone. One thing that will always remain is that feeling of providing something delicious for the community that has them cominging back and a sense of happiness and successfullnes in a chef.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

freeaw The Awakening as a Story of Independence and Freedom :: Chopin Awakening Essays

The Awakening as a Story of Independence and Freedom Kate Chopin's The Awakening is a work of fiction that tells the story of Edna Pontellier, Southern wife and mother. This book presents the reader with many tough questions and few answers. It is not hard to imagine why this book was banished for decades not long after its initial publication in 1899. At that time in history, women did just what they were expected to do. They were expected to be good daughters, good wives, and good mothers. A woman was expected to move from the protection of her father's roof to the protection of her husband. Edna didn't fit this mold, and that eventually leads her husband to send for a doctor. It is here that Edna Pontellier says words that define The Awakening, "I don't want anything but my own way. That is wanting a good deal, of course, when you have to trample upon the lives, the hearts, the prejudices of others - but no matter_" As the book begins, Edna is a married woman who seems vaguely satisfied with her life. However, she cannot find true happiness. Her "awakening" begins when a persistent young man named Robert begins courting her. Edna begins to respond to him with a passion she hasn't felt before. She begins to realize that she can play roles other than wife and mother. Throughout the book Edna takes many steps to increase her independence. She sends her children away, she refuses to stay at home on Tuesdays (as was the social convention of the time), she frequents races and parties. Unfortunately, her independence proves to be her downfall. Edna stays married because divorce was unheard of in those days. She wants to marry Robert, but he will not because it will disgrace her to leave her husband. No matter how much Edna exceeds social boundaries, she is held down by the will of others, despite what she wants. In today's world divorce, sadly, is almost commonplace, but in her time she would have been an outcast of her society. By the end of The Awakening, Edna feels like a possession - of her husband, of her children, and of her society. The only solution she sees is to end her life, which she does by swimming out into the sea until her strength gives out. This is a very symbolic death. I feel the theme of The Awakening is deeper than the obvious themes of independence and women's rights. The Awakening presents suicide as a valid solution to problems that do not offer many choices.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The story of Ben Carson :: essays research papers

The Decisions of Ben Carson   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout his life Ben Carson faced many trials and tribulations. All of which forced him to make life altering decisions. Going from a â€Å"disturbed† child and adolescent to an outstanding surgeon society would think Dr. Carson made the right choices, but along the way Ben wasn’t so sure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the important decisions Ben was faced with was in the tenth grade. He had to decide weather or not he wanted to continue on his downward spiral with school and friends or if he wanted to get his act together and become high in rank in his school’s ROTC program. After seeing his brother in his ROTC uniform Ben was certain he wanted to follow in Curtis’ footsteps. He knew he would have to work tremendously hard if he ever wanted to be named colonel as a student. Carson decided to put his best foot forward and forgot about being in the â€Å"it† crowd with the â€Å"right† clothes and focused on his ROTC goal. Ben was honored when Sgt. Bandy put him in charge of the most rambunctious class. His strategy for whipping the class into shape was getting to know them individually and then â€Å"structured the exercises accordingly (65).† Sgt Bandy was pleased to see that Ben turned the worst class into the best class of the unit in a matter of weeks. Ben was then promoted to second lieutenant. By the time he graduated Ben not only reached his goal and was ranked colonel, but he had been offered a full scholarship to West Point. A whole new decision in its own, Ben turned the scholarship down to pursue his dreams of being a doctor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another decision Ben made came after his first year of college at Yale. He was put in charge of a highway crew that picked up trash along highways in Detroit. The crews were made up of mostly inter-city kids. Instead of allowing his crew to collect only 12 bags of trash a day like the other supervisors, Ben made sure his crew turned in at least 150 bags at the end of each day. He taught the young men in his group the idea of hard work and taking pride for the work that they do. â€Å"The principle goes like this: It’s not what you know but the kind of job you do that makes the difference (81).† By teaching these kids not to slack off even though it may have been hot outside or they may have been too tired, he more than likely changed their work ethic for the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Technology Affects Library Referencing Essay

It is indeed obvious and true how technology generates most of the things that humans deal with today. The global economy as for example is being controlled by massive computer programs for the sake of considerable advancements for the human society. Alongside with this particular advancement, educational sectors also take advantage of the major innovations made through the use of science and technology. As for this matter, it could be noted that library referencing have also been recreated to be able to support the needs of the present generation from referencing the books that are available through the libraries. How is this possible? The existence of numerous technology-based systems that are primarily made to ease the problems of file-fixing in the field of library-based jobs entirely makes the jobs of the Librarians quite easy to deal with today. As it could be noticed, years before, librarians are expected to type in several details with regards a certain book in card catalogs. Not to mention, alphabetizing them and in tall and long ended cabinets is not that easy to do. The procedure indeed takes time and the filing up takes so much space form the library. Seeing this situation, it could be observed that the technological changes that are appreciated by the libraries of the present generation are now able to increase the capabilities of the libraries to hold more students in terms of space and enhance the skills of the librarian in meeting the issues that concern the students in terms of library-based queries since they already have time for this unlike that of the past years? Furthermore, the question: â€Å"How is this possible† points out to one particular focus of discussion; knowing that technology causes changes to the system of cataloging in the libraries, how do these procedures of filing the book-informations so far helpful both to the students and the librarian as well regardless of the obvious disadvantages mentioned earlier? How are the students able to benefit from the technology-fixed files and informations of books? Does technology really affect the procedures of referencing in the future? These questions are the primary discussions that shall be tackled within the context of this paper. Library and Technology Cataloging is an olden time procedure that is made to arrange the collection of books within libraries. Of course, since libraries are considered to have a large collection of reading materials, arranging them into categories helps in the process of researching for the students or plain readers alone. However, this procedure of arranging the files and taking notes of the information with regards a certain book takes much time and effort from the librarians that they are already incapable of doing the primary responsibility that they should be addressing in their profession, assisting the readers. Today, the development of technology aides in libraries have created a radical change within the systems of arranging the files as well as redefined the role of librarians in completing the tasks appointed for them to finish. Several operating systems are created to be bale to assist the librarians and the readers in browsing the books that are collected by a certain library. What is an operating system, and how does it help in the procedure of making cataloging much easier for librarians? What are Operating Systems? Every computer system is controlled by an operating system. A pre-programmed system controls the operations that the computer system is supposed to perform. This mainly pertains to the responsibilities of the computer and how it is able to complete the tasks that are further addressed to its performance. At present, the operating systems are referred to as computer programs that are supposed to manage both the hardware and software systems of the entire computer facilities. There are . five main tasks that the OS performs as a program: †¢Controlling and Allocating Memory This task mainly focuses on the capability of the computer programs to assimilate the memory priorities of the entire computer system. To allocate the memory means designating the memory priorities on which its performance is most needed. †¢Prioritizing System Requests Most of the time, the system follows a â€Å"first Come First Serve† arrangement. As a result, in multi tasking systems the operations are carried on basing on what request came first, and what has been allocated by the system to come in priority. †¢Controlling Input and Output Devices The input devices are the ones used to enter information within the computer memory while the output devices are the ones used to produce hardcopy of the informations entered within the system. The operating systems that is present within the computer makes it possible for the computer device to perform well and do as it is programmed to. †¢Facilitating Networking To be able to connect to others, networking the systems is needed. Once an operating system is programmed to perform such tasks, it would be able to connect two different systems together to be able to have a connected exchange of information and communication as well. †¢Managing Files To manage files means to arrange them on what part of the memory should be utilized by the files. It also sorts out the files with the necessary section of the computer memory should it be stored in. (Source: Warford, J. Stanley. (2005). Computer Systems. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 3rd edition.. )

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Community Connect

Community Connect Livingston County Residents – Come on Down to the 11th Annual Livingston County’s Community Connect! The  11th Annual Community Connect will be held on Saturday, February 3rd.   This important community event provides a one-stop-shop for social services, legal and utility assistance/information, health screenings, free clothing and baby items, books, food, personal care products, and more. This is open to anyone in Livingston County.The event is hosted by the  Homeless Continuum of Care Committee.Disability Attorneys of Michigan has participated in this event for many years. This event is a wonderful opportunity to obtain free resources from community members in Livingston County. Attorney Frank Cusmano and our paralegal Daniel Dzierbicki look forward to attending this year’s event! We hope to see you there!Community Connect provides a one-stop-shop for a variety of services including:Social ServicesLegal utility assistance/informationHealth screeningFree clothingFree booksFree FoodFree personal care itemsSave The DateDate:  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã ‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Saturday February 3, 2018Time:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9:00am – 2:00pmPlace:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Parker Middle SchoolAddress:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   400 Wright Road, Howell MI 48843To learn more about this event click here.With the help of hundreds of community volunteers, including staff members from  Disability Attorneys of Michigan,  residents throughout Livingston County will be able to receive a variety of services.Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Compassionate Excellence.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Strong Central Government Essays

A Strong Central Government Essays A Strong Central Government Essay A Strong Central Government Essay A Strong Central Government In the 21st century Washington should have greater power to dictate national policy because the central government of the federated self-governing state speaks and acts for the entire country with its relations and dealings with foreign governments. In this sense, the national government is the sole holder of self-government. Only the national government can operate as the government of a completely independent political community. The national constitution gives the central government control over matters of common concern to the country as a whole and permits the constituent political communities to regulate matters of more local concern. The states and the federal government are considered supreme in their own sphere of power, although there is considerable overlap (Cropf, p. 106). Understanding that the states cannot make laws that supersede that of the federal government, it is my belief that in the arenas concerning education, health and others the federal government has and should have a greater power of force than local government since we all are aware from experience how local government has and can be influenced by local customs, such as the desire and belief in slavery by southern states. If not for the force of the federal government, slavery would still be legal in the few states. The federal system uses the states to rein in the power of central government, and vice versa (Cropf, p. 06). Lately, you would think with the advent of such political voices as the Tea Party and other so called reformist groups, that the federal powers are a hindrance the average person. I for one disagree. If I could on my on amend the document that give us the freedoms we enjoy, I would give more power to the federal government for the collective to better be in agreemen t. The federal government acts as a central focal point for the states and in an ideal setting the collective voice of the states would be the law of the land, understanding that the lawmakers are a body of people from the states. Yes, it is popular to think that the federal law comes from some entity we don’t know, but truth be told the federal laws we enjoy are the product of the states through their reps making collective laws for the collective. States and local government are responsible for delivering most of the public services in the United States (Cropf, p. 112). Each state has the power to regulate the conduct of individuals within the borders of a state in order to protect the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the citizens of the states. In other words the state must act in the public’s best interest within the state to regulate human conduct to safeguard and promote the general welfare, or common good of the state. As states are given additional power, one result is extra legislation emerging from the states dealing with a broader number of problems. This drive is controlled by the certainty that giving states more flexibility permits them to better address local issues. They need to design a long-term plan which would help reduce fiscal deficits in the years to come. I feel this would restore confidence in the markets, keep interest rates from going up and encourage superior self-assurance and confidence about future tax and spending policies, in this manner encouraging businesses to entrust their resources to creating more jobs. The Affordable Care Act puts people, not health insurance companies or government, in charge of health care and the new law strengthens the existing employer-based health insurance market while making the market fair for consumers by implementing landmark consumer protections (The White House). In a federal system, the national government holds important power, but the lesser political subdivisions also hold important power. Federal systems are chosen for a number of reasons. The size of the nation might be one concern; the diversity of the political subdivisions might be another. The United States combines a bit of both: the size of the continental United States made a unitary system unwieldy, and the diverse interests of the states made confederation impossible (U. S. Constitution Online). Federalism in the United States has progressed somewhat a bit since it was first implemented in 1787. References Cropf, R. (2008). American public administration: public service for the 21st century. New York, NY: Pearson Longman. The White House. President Barack Obama. Retrieved on July 8, 2011 from whitehouse. gov/ U. S. Constitution Online. (1995-2011). Retrieved on July 9, 2011 from usconstitution. net/index. html

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Gladiator

The promotional tag-lines succinctly sketch the plotline and its major movements: "the general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator, the gladiator who defied an emperor", "a hero will rise" and "in this life or the next, I will have my vengeance". The Quicktime trailer at the official Gladiator website promises a tougher, pacier and bloodier version of the classic sword-and-sandals epic movie - Quo Vadis with cutting-edge SFX. And these first impressions are not wrong; Gladiator does indeed employ many of the conventions of the Hollywood epic genre. The plot revolves around a decadent, scheming villain (Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix) and a rugged, defiant hero (Maximus, played by Russell Crowe). The cinematography is spectacular, there is a cast of thousands (albeit mostly computer-generated), a vision of ancient Rome sliding into decline, tumultuous, shattering battle-scenes, political intrigue, an array of debaucheries ranging from patricide to incest, and the foregrounded savagery of the gladiatorial arena. Like other epics, Gladiator works through "a series of spectacular moments" that can be "traced back to the equestrian shows and circus spectacles which toured Europe and the United States at the turn of the nineteenth century" (Wyke, 1999: website). All the usual ingredients are present, only better constructed; CGI gives the film's reconstruction of ancient Rome visual depth and apparent authenticity; the chariot scenes in the Coliseum are a dazzling rupture of spinning wheels, blades and broken bodies that make the famous chariot race in Ben Hur (1959) seem pedestrian in comparison. Gladiator does everything that Hollywood epics are supposed to do, only Gladiator does it much better. But, for all that it draws upon the visual and thematic lexicon established by its generic precursors, the film's deployment of these conventions is skewed and unsettling. The mood is different; the familiar elements of epic c... Free Essays on Gladiator Free Essays on Gladiator The promotional tag-lines succinctly sketch the plotline and its major movements: "the general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator, the gladiator who defied an emperor", "a hero will rise" and "in this life or the next, I will have my vengeance". The Quicktime trailer at the official Gladiator website promises a tougher, pacier and bloodier version of the classic sword-and-sandals epic movie - Quo Vadis with cutting-edge SFX. And these first impressions are not wrong; Gladiator does indeed employ many of the conventions of the Hollywood epic genre. The plot revolves around a decadent, scheming villain (Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix) and a rugged, defiant hero (Maximus, played by Russell Crowe). The cinematography is spectacular, there is a cast of thousands (albeit mostly computer-generated), a vision of ancient Rome sliding into decline, tumultuous, shattering battle-scenes, political intrigue, an array of debaucheries ranging from patricide to incest, and the foregrounded savagery of the gladiatorial arena. Like other epics, Gladiator works through "a series of spectacular moments" that can be "traced back to the equestrian shows and circus spectacles which toured Europe and the United States at the turn of the nineteenth century" (Wyke, 1999: website). All the usual ingredients are present, only better constructed; CGI gives the film's reconstruction of ancient Rome visual depth and apparent authenticity; the chariot scenes in the Coliseum are a dazzling rupture of spinning wheels, blades and broken bodies that make the famous chariot race in Ben Hur (1959) seem pedestrian in comparison. Gladiator does everything that Hollywood epics are supposed to do, only Gladiator does it much better. But, for all that it draws upon the visual and thematic lexicon established by its generic precursors, the film's deployment of these conventions is skewed and unsettling. The mood is different; the familiar elements of epic c...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing information security risks in global financial institutions Essay - 1

Managing information security risks in global financial institutions - Essay Example The management of Information Security Risks and to implement various methodologies to mitigate the security risks is a growing challenge in the filed of Information technology. The battle is on for finding out the efficient ways and design methodologies that can analyze the security risks and implement the appropriate mitigation solutions. One such field that has taken up high technology for the implementation of various processes amongst the other entities communicating with it are Financial Institutions. The financial institutions have adapted to various advanced technologies so as to enhance the services they provide to the customers dependent on the upgraded business processes. Thus Information Security risks need to be mitigated as they pose a high threat to the successful functioning of the business processes that are carried out internally in a Financial Institution. Over the years there have been various strategic methodologies and risk management frameworks being adapted by numerous financial institutions to ensure security of the critical information related to their business processes, communication processes, Customer data and information related to individual accounts and financial details. As, every event or technique has a better impact and a worse impact, the technologies that speed up the business processes are also prone to increase risks of computer intrusion, fraud, disruption and many more. This is the result of the enhanced evolution of technology from the very existence of computer systems to the interconnection and accessibility of information from the nook and corner of the world. Many financial institutions collect the information related to individual customers such as their personal details and their financial details associated with the institutions and various businesses carried out over a period of time. This information is the most sensitive data that has to be

Friday, October 18, 2019

The International Implications of Competitive Monetary Expansion and Assignment

The International Implications of Competitive Monetary Expansion and Currency Devaluation - Assignment Example It is important for the Indian economy to stabilize its currency in the long run to remain attractive for foreign investments. This can be achieved by direct intervention of Central Bank in the Forex market. Other efforts to stabilize the currency include liberalization of the interest rates and limiting intra-day limit of foreign dealers. Another way to boost the economy is to improve trade balance. This can be done by raising subvention for small and medium term exporters to increase the level of exports. Use of hedging strategies on part of the importers and exporters could minimize losses arising from the exchange rate. Also in respect to the Indian market, it has been observed that the depreciation of rupee has not been passed on to consumers, as majority of the items like, cooking gas, kerosene and fertilizer, are subsidized. Hence, removal of subsidies will help the government to pass the costs to people in order to discourage imports of these items. The fiscal deficit of the government is likely to reduce if higher price of energy is passed onto consumers, thereby bringing down the prices for energy imports. Finally, the government can create favorable environment in the country for the purpose of attracting FDI. FDI has been identified as a credential source of funding for most emerging countries like, India and China. Therefore, proactive liberalization of FDI in the Indian economy will be helpful in attracting investors. Enhancing freer investment in sectors, such as, retail, can help to draw in fresh investments in the economy. 13 Tapering monetary policy adopted by many developed nations is putting pressure on the emerging countries. On December 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S.A. announced that it would begin to lower bond purchases by $10 million on a monthly basis. Since announcement of this news, the emerging economies began to feel weight of the probable consequences of this action. Possible

Positive Effects of Martial Arts on Bullying Among the Youth Annotated Bibliography

Positive Effects of Martial Arts on Bullying Among the Youth - Annotated Bibliography Example The source is bias free since it discusses the pros and cons of martial art on bullying. The information from this source will provide information that will support my arguments during the research. Maekoya, Dussich J. P. and. "Physical Child Harm And Bullying Related Behaviors: A Comparative Study In Japan, South Africa, And The United States." International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative Criminology 51 (2007): 495-509. The journal is written based on research done in South Africa USA and Japan. The aim of the writers is to evaluate the behavior of different students on bullying. The source is reliable since the conclusions are many researches and hence the probability of accuracy is high. The research focuses on how martial art skills can help prevent children from being bullied and also prevent them from bullying others. The research concludes that martial art education is only positive when training is done based on the traditional theories and concepts. The research argues that martial art can be as a way of controlling the rates of bullying among the youths. The source has reliable information since the accuracy level of its assumptions is high. The journal is available in the university library and online. The author is a psychology specialist, and he discusses the psychological effect that martial art has on children. He says the effect of martial art on a child depends on the perception they are made to have. He compares the martial experts of the past and those of the current day and makes a conclusion that perception of martial art is important in dictating the kind of effects it has on children. From his research, he finds out that different children view martial art differently, some use it for self-defense while others view it as a tool to exploit others. He accentuates on the need to have the correct perception for martial art. The information provided will be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

UK Deregulated Banking and Economic Downturn Essay

UK Deregulated Banking and Economic Downturn - Essay Example According to Economy Watch (2010), the Banking Industry was once a simple and a reliable business; but, deregulation and technology have transformed the industry considerably. Banking regulation ensures correction of market imperfections and unfair distribution of resources (Central Banks, 2011). Therefore, deregulation of financial institutions saw the domination of the industry by the selected few, and they acted according to their selfish gain. According to Lyons (1999-2011), every aspect of banking is regulated by federal or state agencies. The Thatcherism regime in its quest to deregulate the banking industry generated a chain of imperfection towards failure in the financial sector (Enqdahl, 2009). Deregulation is expected to have considerable effects on the real economy if t significant changes were placed in the structure, and efficiency of the banking industry (Strahan, 2002). Overreliance on a deregulated banking system in the United Kingdom saw the large financial instituti ons dominate the sector across a wider geographical area. This led to loss of local market concentration as they only pursued entering the market rather than consolidating within a local market. Banks play a central economic role; thus, affecting the well being of every sector in the economy (According to 2011). The motivation for bankers to undermine and hinder prudent regulation is inherent in the compensation incentives of bankers (Gilani, 2009). With deregulation, transparency in the activities of the institutions is inhibited. Deregulation of the Banking Industry in the United Kingdom saw rapid growth in credits within the financial sector (The Turner Review, 2009). This was orchestrated by the freedom in the banking sector as banks could formulate their own policies without reliance to the state approval. On the same note, significant wholesale and overseas funding surged the economy into deep crises (Economic crisis and Market Upheavals, 2011). Investment in the mar ket was heightened in the sense that one could access investment in the UK risk-free index government bonds with a yield to maturity over 3% real and this could even surge down to1% (The Turner Review, 2009). In the UK, trading activity was underpinned by the securitized credit model, and as the home of several leading banks, it was affected greatly by the impact of the economic downturn. A number of features increased risks contributing to the credit boom in the upswing and enhancing the nature of the down swing that followed (Economic Watch, 2010). This saw losses and liquidity strains escalate in the financial market, housing problems became widespread, as the prices of houses shot down, and credit supply dwindled down and the eventual problems with funding of the UK mortgage banks intensifying (Economic crisis and Market Upheavals, 2011). Factors that were escalated by the deregulation of the banking industry included among others; massive growth, and complexity of the securitiz ed credit model, increased commercial banks involvement in trading activities, heightened leverage in multiple forms followed (Economic Watch, 2010).. Also, the expanded maturity, complexity of structured credit and derivative system and lack of adequate capital buffers contributed to the escalation of the

Recognize how group and social factors affect learning Essay

Recognize how group and social factors affect learning - Essay Example People who are under these conditions are often considered to be poor, impoverished, in low income, or broke (Wikipedia, 2006). Though in general poverty is defined as the lack of money, in a holistic definition of poverty it is the continuous denial of the resources, capabilities, choices, security and power essential for fulfillment of an adequate standard of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. Poverty is a subjective experience and a structural deficit. There are several factors that influence education and one of the main reasons for it is poverty. There is a connection between poverty and the impact this has on childrens education. When a family is in poverty and fighting for its survival their childs education is not looked at as a high priority. Survival is the first priority. This doesn’t mean that parents did not care about their childs education, but they are not in a position to manage it. There is a spectacular change in the behavior of students as poverty level grows in school system. This behavior is brought on by the lack of parental commitment in their childs daily activities. Most parents may be working multiple jobs to get by and hence rarely see their children, but for some parents do not care to know what their children are doing on a daily basis. This leads to more pessimistic behaviors and also to poor grades. Poor parents may not have enough education to help students, when they are at home. Many students come to school with various worries about their lives, and learning is not at the top of the list. The living environment of these students has a lot to do with learning (WikEd, 2006). Despite these challenges education at all levels is promoted as a powerful resource to raise awareness, motivation and social responsibility for contributing to a more democratic society (Preece, N.D.). Education departments should not throw up their hands in failure. There should be additional

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

UK Deregulated Banking and Economic Downturn Essay

UK Deregulated Banking and Economic Downturn - Essay Example According to Economy Watch (2010), the Banking Industry was once a simple and a reliable business; but, deregulation and technology have transformed the industry considerably. Banking regulation ensures correction of market imperfections and unfair distribution of resources (Central Banks, 2011). Therefore, deregulation of financial institutions saw the domination of the industry by the selected few, and they acted according to their selfish gain. According to Lyons (1999-2011), every aspect of banking is regulated by federal or state agencies. The Thatcherism regime in its quest to deregulate the banking industry generated a chain of imperfection towards failure in the financial sector (Enqdahl, 2009). Deregulation is expected to have considerable effects on the real economy if t significant changes were placed in the structure, and efficiency of the banking industry (Strahan, 2002). Overreliance on a deregulated banking system in the United Kingdom saw the large financial instituti ons dominate the sector across a wider geographical area. This led to loss of local market concentration as they only pursued entering the market rather than consolidating within a local market. Banks play a central economic role; thus, affecting the well being of every sector in the economy (According to 2011). The motivation for bankers to undermine and hinder prudent regulation is inherent in the compensation incentives of bankers (Gilani, 2009). With deregulation, transparency in the activities of the institutions is inhibited. Deregulation of the Banking Industry in the United Kingdom saw rapid growth in credits within the financial sector (The Turner Review, 2009). This was orchestrated by the freedom in the banking sector as banks could formulate their own policies without reliance to the state approval. On the same note, significant wholesale and overseas funding surged the economy into deep crises (Economic crisis and Market Upheavals, 2011). Investment in the mar ket was heightened in the sense that one could access investment in the UK risk-free index government bonds with a yield to maturity over 3% real and this could even surge down to1% (The Turner Review, 2009). In the UK, trading activity was underpinned by the securitized credit model, and as the home of several leading banks, it was affected greatly by the impact of the economic downturn. A number of features increased risks contributing to the credit boom in the upswing and enhancing the nature of the down swing that followed (Economic Watch, 2010). This saw losses and liquidity strains escalate in the financial market, housing problems became widespread, as the prices of houses shot down, and credit supply dwindled down and the eventual problems with funding of the UK mortgage banks intensifying (Economic crisis and Market Upheavals, 2011). Factors that were escalated by the deregulation of the banking industry included among others; massive growth, and complexity of the securitiz ed credit model, increased commercial banks involvement in trading activities, heightened leverage in multiple forms followed (Economic Watch, 2010).. Also, the expanded maturity, complexity of structured credit and derivative system and lack of adequate capital buffers contributed to the escalation of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Outlining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Outlining - Essay Example Twin studies have shown that there is an interaction between environmental factors and heredity. The preliminary outcomes from the conducted twin studies imply that both genetic factors and socialization processes are essential in human development (ibid). This is the scientific and systematic study of the biological underpinnings of social behavior. Sociobiologists in essence apply the principles of natural selection of the natural scientist Charles Darwin to the investigation of the human social behavior. They infer that specific forms of behavior become hereditarily connected to an organism if they play a significant role in is suitability to survive (Albrow, 1999). Individuals have diverse perceptions, sentiments, feelings and ideas about their identity and their attributes. However, these abilities of individuals to understand their position intrinsically and externally are not inborn. Sociologists argue that individuals establish their own description, which is the self. Both sociologists and psychologists have expressed interests in the process of individuals’ development and adjustment of the self because of social interactions (ibid). Cooley promoted the belief that individuals learn who they are through interacting with others. The viewpoint of individuals on themselves then not simply comes from direct reflection of their personal attributes, but also from their impression of how others identify them. Cooley referred to this process of self development as the looking-glass self which indicates that the self is the outcome of social interactions with other people (Schaefer, 1995). Georger Herbert Mead continued the tradition of sociological thinking of Cooley. He further explored the interactionist theory and the sociological understanding of the self. Mead formulated a useful model of the process by which the self surfaces, defined by three discrete stages (Smelser, 1967). These are the

The temperature of the acid Essay Example for Free

The temperature of the acid Essay My conclusion fully supports my previous hypothesis and predictions that as the temperature increases, the calculated rate of reaction increases. This is shown in my final table of results and graph. However, it does not support my predicted results exactly, as the pattern of the graph is not as I had expected. This can be explained if necessary by inaccuracy of equipment, error in timing or simply human reaction times and judgement and therefore is less important than the accuracy of the predicted fact that the temperature and the rate of reaction are proportional. From my earlier notes I can see that this is because as the temperature increases there is more heat energy. This can be converted into kinetic energy, which makes the particles move around faster, and therefore have more chance of colliding with each other. Also, larger volumes of heat and energy means more effective collisions are created. I therefore conclude that the relationship between temperature and rate of reaction is indirectly proportional, in that as the temperature increases, the rate of the reactions taking place increases also. Evaluation I feel that both my method and equipment were fairly reliable, as my results fit fairly closely with how I imagined they would. I have taken enough results and repeats, and these are close enough to my prediction to create and support a firm conclusion. However, a few of my results were slightly anomalous, and the graph did not end up in the exact shape I had predicted, and therefore there must be ways to make my experiment more accurate. There are several things I have noticed which could have adversely affected any results I got, and I have tried to think of ways in which I could alter them if I was to re-do the experiments now. It is important to remember that the line of best fit on my graph is a straight line, showing only a basic upward trend, not a graph which accelerates as I predicted. When, towards the end of the given time for practicals, I was looking to re-do any points, I only looked at my first graph of time taken against temperature (see page 10), not at the graph of rate against temperature. Therefore, instead of trying to repeat points which fall a little away from my best-fit line, such as that at 24i C or that at 50i C, I added another point at an important stage in my original graph, at 18i C. This seemed a valuable point, but looking at my rate graph it lies exactly on my best-fit line. So while it does serve to highlight the accuracy of my results and best-fit line, it would probably have been more valuable to repeat the points at 24 and 50i C. Because of reasons stated (on page 8), the point at 50i C didnt have a repeat to begin with, and therefore ought to be looked at as less valid than the other points anyway. Most of the potential inaccuracies in my experiment were caused by my equipment, rather than the method, as I felt that my method was reliable. I especially liked my system for heating, as it almost invariably kept the acid and tablets at a constant temperature and it produced accurate results. There are a few reasons that I can identify why the rate may have been above my best-fit line (such as at 24i C). If this is the case, it means that the product of 50cmi carbon dioxide was produced within a shorter time than expected. This could be due to the temperature being higher than I had believed (for example if it rose during the reaction), or the gas syringe not being back to exactly zero before starting the experiment (sometimes I found it got knocked so it was already at approximately one or two cmi ). Therefore, in theory, checking and making sure of both these things before the start of each experiment could have improved my method, and if I was to repeat the experiment I would ensure I was doing these things. There are also reasons why the rate may have been below my best-fit line (such as at 50iC). This means that the product (50cmi of carbon dioxide) took a longer time to be produced than expected, or that it took a longer time than average to show in the gas syringe. This could be due to the temperature being lower than I thought (for example having dropped during the reaction). In future, this should be checked before the experiment is started. It could also be due to faulty equipment, like the gas syringe getting stuck or the rubber joining the tube not being on properly, or being on different amounts so that the gas took longer to travel up the tube. If the experiment was repeated, the gas syringe should be chosen carefully as one which is not either too loose or too stiff, and the joining tube should be put on properly, so that no gas is allowed to escape when the pressure builds up inside the conical flask. Also, a certain degree of error must be allowed for in that a second person is necessary when starting an experiment. This is because you need one hand to add the tablets, one hand to put the bung in and a third hand to start the stopclock. This increases the chances of the experiment being inaccurate, as two different people are very unlikely to be completely synchronised. Therefore the gas has time to escape unnoticed at the start of each reaction before the bung is put in. I can see little which could be done about this in future experiments. In both cases (above or below the best-fit line) the experiment would have benefited from a greater number of results being taken at smaller intervals. This would probably have further supported my conclusion and may also have more accurately displayed a less obvious trend such as the one I originally predicted. Taking results in a wider range, (for example from 5i C to 70iC) with repeats to verify accuracy, would have strengthened my evidence. It would only have done this if, as I imagine, a continuing trend showed in the extra results. In all of the experiments, a degree of error in continuity must be taken into account. It is extremely unlikely that the tablets all had the same mass, or that there was the same volume of hydrochloric acid down to the last drop. I tried to make this as accurate as possible, using a burette instead of a measuring cylinder, and only getting the tablets out at the last minute so that they were as whole and un-tampered-with as they could be. If the experiment was to be repeated on a larger timescale, I could measure the mass of the tablets to increase accuracy. It is also impossible to swirl the beaker at exactly the same vigorousness every time, although I tried to keep it as constant as I could. If I was looking to test these results on a much wider scale, I could use other common antacid tablets with similar active ingredients, keeping the type and volume of acid constant. This would prove that the tablets that I used were regular, and didnt just coincidentally produce typical results.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparing Idealism And Realism Philosophy Essay

Comparing Idealism And Realism Philosophy Essay Idealist, idealized, ideal (adjective), and the ideal (noun), all of are derived from the Greek idea which means new thought flashed across the mind. This signifies image, figure, form: it can be used in the sense of likeness, or copy as well as in that of type, model, or pattern: it is this latter sense that finds expression in ideal, and the ideal and the derivatives are mentioned above. When we talk about the ideal or idealism, it is not the copy of a out of the world image or object, but it is only a type which can be a thought. It cannot beyond reality but it can only be a fairer, nobler and the most perfect which exists in reality. [ (23-Nov-2010)] It is the characteristics of those people who respect the ideas and who pays respect the truth According to Plato, visible world is simply a copy of a super sensible, intelligible, ideal world and consequently things are but the impress stamped on reality by that which is of a higher, spiritual nature. It is just a technical term which was made by Plato and it has a vital and important affect on the task to be attained and it has significance influence on the people. It has a impressive affect on reality which help in obtaining the higher level or we can say spiritual nature. There are two theories which are interrelated to each other, Idealism and other is Realism. Plato is in favour of Idealism and hence known as Platonism while Aristotle is in favour of reality and so called as Realism. Platonism is one of the oldest form idealism and is in favour of the idealist to long extent. Normally, it is the contrast comparison of the both the philosophies of Idealism and Realism. Realism does not support the new concepts and thoughts but it is in favour of the real world and supports the things as they happen which is just the copies of every day life. Plato is in favour of the idealism and therefore it is considered to be more accurate and correct as idealism is more important in teaching and it helps in putting new ideas into art. Both, Aristotle and Plato have a vital influence on the Greek life, their life style, their style of thinking and their actions which carries the deep moral and ethical influence on their life. On the basis of these theories and the ir deep influence, convicted the first and highest principle of all things is the one perfect spiritual which is the transcendental idealism of Plato and with which they call God and by which means of intermediate principles, essence and form, purpose and law, and some of the working individual which obey these principles are the visible world. So, idealism is the doctrine philosophy which leads towards the high spiritual principles and which lowers downs the materialism. On the base of these characteristics, idealism is being called as the dual characteristic philosophy and it is against the single characteristic philosophy which describes as the higher and the lower are same. The principle philosophy of higher is against the philosophy of the lower material and again this philosophy is against the single characteristic philosophy or doctrine. When we talk about the older version of the idealism, it clearly indicates that there is no one which is One- All, but there are different i ndividuals who have some different roles and they have some specific features and there is certainly some alpha and omega i.e. a supermundane cause and end of the world. I affirm without hesitation that the assertion, the existence of the world consists merely in our thinking, is for me the result of a hypertrophy of the passion for knowledge. To this conclusion I have been lead chiefly by the torture I endure in getting over idealism. Whosoever attempts to take this theory in downright earnest, to force his way clean through it and identify himself with it, will certainly feel that something is about to snap in his brain. (Jerusalem, Die Urtheilsfunktion, Vienna, 1886, p. 261). J. Volkelt (Erfahrung u. Denken, Hamburg, 1886, p. 519); It should kept in mind that the term, idea has a lot of contents and should be so far degraded as to signify such aberrations of thought. Geschichte des Idealismus (2nd ed., Brunswick, 1907) has taken the ground that the original meaning of these terms should be restored to them. Realism Realism is the philosophy which can be described as the independent of conceptual schemes, having linguistics practices, beliefs, etc. According to the international business point of view, it is the dominant thinking within the international relations which is interlink with the ideology, security, morality, reconstructions, socialism and political realm. Most of the philosophers who are in favour of the realism, they believe in reality having strict point of view against idealism and they are the speaking to the other minds, their past, present and future as well. Realism deals with the universalism, morality, materialism, thinking, and natural numbers as well. The people who believe in realism, they consider the reality and how approximate is the reality, they also believe that whenever there will be any new observation, it helps the individuals to come closer to each other and they are against idealism and anti realism. The philosopher has been discussing on the realism. While discussing, they have been looking for the true meanings of the realism and the origin of realism. They have been discussing this issue from so long and the history of philosophy is full of this discussion. If we talk about the medieval interpretation and adaptation of Greek philosophy, it clearly signifies that the origin of this term Real is from the medieval period and according to this philosophy, the meaning of this word is some thing different and in present it means opposite. It should also be kept in mind that realism is the contrasting philosophy of conceptualism, nominalism and idealism. The philosophers who have been discussing realism have found out the problems which a universe has been facing and these problems are being called as the problems of universals which is a term that does not describes a single individual but it is being applied on many things and hence it is believed that realism is the thing which really exist and it is associated with other things and also to the world. When we consider it to be associated with the world, we can definitely say that it is linked with Plato. It should also be considered that conceptualism exists in this world but this is the on ly thing which exists in mind and moderate realism say that it exists in some specific things where as philosophers when they start discussion about the nominalism, they say that universals do not exist at all and this is to be believed that realism exists in the world from the centuriesand. In its Kantian sense, realism is contrasted with idealism. In a contemporary sense, realism is contrasted with anti-realism, primarily in the philosophy of science. Conversational is simplicity and oneness with nature. Idealism vs. Realism To make the clear differences, it is necessary to understand the clearly idealism and realism. Idealism is to see things in a way as we want where as realism is to see the things as they happen in a current situation and what they are and how they are. Idealism is the philosophy that describes that the current situation is being shaped into by our thoughts while realism is independent of our thoughts but its the existence. A person, who believes in idealism, always looks for the good and he can be less affective while a person who believes in realism can be more affective. Idealists are more positive where as realists are less positive. Idealists are more goal ambitious as compared to realists.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Stress and Fear on the Western Front, Illustrated in Sheriffs Play, Journeys End :: Literary Analysis, Literary Criticism

'Journey's End' by R.C. Sherriff is filled with very tense scenes throughout the play one in particular and the focus point on this essay is Act Two scene One, which endeavours to educate the audience about the true horrors of life at the front. Sherriff, who was wounded at Passchendaele in 1917, wrote from his experience of the war. He creates scenes that are very realistic, and because of his experiences, it helps the audience to believe the play more and understand the difficulties the soldiers faced. The title, 'Journey's End' creates a negative image immediately. It implies death, the end of life and the loss of innocence. Act Two scene one shows this in great depth, as Sherriff uses methods to re-create the overwhelming stress of trench warfare. He describes every aspect of the trenches, the guns and the whole life to emphasises the tragedy. With this understanding of the trenches, the reader are helped in imagining what it must have been like to live there. In the play, R.C Sheriff looks into the characters in the dug out, Fear within this play takes a dramatic impact on most of the play it also shows how different people in the same situation coped in the first world war, Humour, Alcohol, or Normality before the war. Act Two scene One looks into the emotions of the characters especially the officers, Stanhope, Osborne, Raleigh, Trotter, Hibbert and the cook Mason, an example of this is trotter he hides his emotions by being humours with mason as he keeps his mind on food ‘Trotter: well there’s nothing like a good fat bacon rasher when your as empty as I am, Mason: I’m glad you like it fat sir. Trotter: well, I like a bit O’ lean, too’, this shows that the writer is showing the reader that people dealt with stress and fear in different ways, however when comparing this to Stanhope he copes with all this stress and fear by drinking ‘sitting on the bed was Stanhope drinking a whisky’ this shows the audience how people dealt with stress and fear even if they were in completely different ways. R.C. Sheriff uses the character Osborne another officer in the dug out differently as Osborne is not a character in which shows the fear and stress in which he is going through instead he try’s to avoid a conversation about the war and tries to drag the conversation on to something else to remind himself of normality, his life before the war started ‘made me think about my garden†¦, Trotter:.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Implication for the Retail Industry Essay example -- essays research p

Thomas, Ryan, â€Å"The Right Mix: Brands versus Private Labels,† Apparel, Feb’04, p. 30-33 Overview of Article   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Department stores that may want to develop or expand private labels to replace lagging national brands should be aware of the downfalls as well as the benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private labels increase margins from 6-10% higher than national brands. They also allow for fashion garments to be reproduced the following season if they are still in demand. However, department stores risk opposition from national brands if such private labels create too much competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If private labels are to be expanded, they should be of higher quality than the norm. They should also be offered in a wide range of categories, to decrease advertising costs. Article Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Department stores have traditionally used private labels on the selling floor as a way to provide a low-cost alternative to consumers. However, they may be expanding and developing more private labels to replace those national brands that have been falling behind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Private labels are helpful to department stores because they increase margins. On average, private label margins are 6-10% higher than national brands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another benefit of private labels is one not offered by brand manufacturers. If a fashionable garment sells out fast in any particular season, ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-eight

I STOPPED BREATHING. WE'D each had our own blankets, but even in the middle of summer, the temperature had dropped during the night. Dimitri, in his sleep, had rolled over against me, merging our blankets into one pile and resting his head on my chest. His body lay against mine, warm and familiar, and he even snuggled a little closer. He was more exhausted than I'd realized if he was doing this in his sleep. After all, this was the guy who slept with one eye open. But his guard was down now, his body unconsciously seeking †¦ what? Simple warmth? Me? Damn it. Why had I asked Sonya my question? Why couldn't I keep going with my easy role as Adrian's girlfriend and Dimitri's friend? Because honestly, I wasn't doing a very good job at either one right now. Tentatively, fearfully, I shifted slightly so that I could put one arm around Dimitri and draw him closer. I knew it was a risk, one that might wake him and break this spell. But it didn't. If anything, he seemed to relax more. Feeling him like that †¦ holding him †¦ it churned up a swarm of emotions within me. The ache I had felt since his loss burned within me. At the same time, holding him like this also seemed to fill that ache, as though a piece of me that had been missing was now restored. I hadn't even realized that piece was missing. I'd blocked it all out until Sonya's words had shaken my fragile new acceptance of life. I don't know how long I stayed like that with Dimitri. It was long enough that the rising sun began to illuminate the tent's translucent fabric. That was all the light my eyes needed to now see Dimitri, to see the finely carved lines of his face and softness of his hair as he lay against me. I wanted so badly to touch that hair, to see if it felt like it used to. That was a silly sentiment, of course. His hair wouldn't have changed. Still †¦ the urge was there, and I finally gave in, gently running my fingers over some stray locks. They were smooth and silky, and that barest touch sent chills through me. It also woke him up. His eyes opened, instantly alert. I expected him to jump away from me, but instead, he only assessed the situation–and didn't move. I left my hand where it was on the side of his face, still stroking his hair. Our gazes locked, so much passing between us. In those moments, I wasn't in a tent with him, on the run from those who regarded us as villains. There was no murderer to catch, no Strigoi trauma to overcome. There was just him and me and the feelings that had burned between us for so long. When he did move, it wasn't to get away. Instead, he lifted his head so that he looked down at me. Only a few inches separated us, and his eyes betrayed him. He wanted to kiss me–and I wanted him to. He leaned over me, one hand resting against my cheek. I readied myself for his lips–I needed them–and then he froze. He pulled back and sat up, exhaling in frustration as he looked away from me. I sat up as well, my breathing rapid and shallow. â€Å"Wh-what's wrong?' I asked. He glanced back at me. â€Å"Pick. There are lots of choices.' I ran a finger along my lips. So close. So, so close. â€Å"I know †¦ I know things have changed. I know you were wrong. I know you can feel love again.' His mask was back up as he formulated his answer. â€Å"This isn't about love.' The last minute replayed in my head, that perfect connection, the way he'd looked at me and made my heart feel. Hell, Sonya claimed we even had some mystical connection. â€Å"If it's not about love, then what is it about?' I exclaimed. â€Å"It's about doing the right thing,' he said quietly. The right thing? Right and wrong had been perennial topics at St. Vladimir's. I wasn't eighteen. He was my teacher. We were slated to be Lissa's guardians and had to give her our full attention. All of those were arguments for why staying apart had been necessary back then. But those had long since fallen by the wayside. I would have questioned him more–if someone hadn't scratched at our door. Both of us sprang up and apart, reaching for the stakes we'd slept near. Grabbing my stake was instinct because I knew there was no Strigoi out there. But lately, Strigoi had been the least of our worries. â€Å"Rose? Dimitri?' The voice was barely audible–but familiar. Relaxing slightly, I unzipped the tent's entrance and revealed Sonya kneeling in front of it. Like us, she wore the same clothes from earlier, and her auburn hair was messy. Otherwise, she seemed to have escaped her pursuers unscathed. I scooted aside so that she could enter. â€Å"Cozy,' she said, glancing around. â€Å"You've got the farthest spot out on the campground. Took me forever to find the car you described.' â€Å"How'd you get here?' I asked. She winked. â€Å"You're not the only ones who can steal cars. Or, in my case, get people to â€Å"willingly' lend them.' â€Å"Were you followed?' asked Dimitri. He was all seriousness again, with no sign of what had passed moments ago. â€Å"Not that I could tell,' she said, shifting into a cross-legged position. â€Å"A couple guardians followed me back in the neighborhood, but I lost them a while ago. Most of them seemed more interested in you two.' â€Å"Imagine that,' I muttered. â€Å"Too bad Victor was long gone–he might have taken priority.' â€Å"He didn't kill a queen,' she said ruefully. We'd had to eventually tell her why Victor was wanted and that he'd been the one Sonya had sensed was stalking Lissa back at St. Vladimir's. â€Å"But the good news is I know where they're at now.' â€Å"Where?' asked Dimitri and I in unison. A small, knowing smile came to her lips at that. â€Å"West Michigan,' she said. â€Å"They took off in the opposite direction from Court.' â€Å"Damn,' I muttered. Dimitri and I had gone southeast from Ann Arbor, clipping the Detroit suburbs and just crossing into Ohio. We'd picked the wrong direction. â€Å"But you saw Jill? Is she okay?' Sonya nodded. â€Å"Fine. Scared, but fine. She described enough landmarks that I think we can locate their motel. I found her in a dream a couple hours ago; they had to rest. Victor wasn't feeling well. They might still be there.' â€Å"Then we need to leave now,' said Dimitri, instantly in action. â€Å"Once they're moving, Jill will be awake and out of contact.' We packed up our campsite with amazing speed. My ankle felt better but was still sore. Noticing my limp, Sonya called a halt just before we got in her car. â€Å"Hang on.' She knelt before me, examining the swelling ankle that was easily exposed by my torn dress. Taking a deep breath, she rested her hands on me, and a surge of electricity shot through my leg, followed by waves of heat and cold. When it was over and she stood up, the pain and swelling were gone, as were the scrapes on my legs. Probably the cuts on my head too. Spirit users had healed me so often that you'd think I'd be used to it, but it was still a little startling. â€Å"Thank you,' I said. â€Å"But you shouldn't have done that †¦ shouldn't have used the magic †¦' â€Å"You need to be in peak condition,' she said. Her gaze drifted from me, staring off at the trees. â€Å"And the magic †¦ well, it's hard to stay away from.' Indeed it was, and I felt guilty that she was using it on me–and moving closer to insanity. Robert's restoration had healed her mind a little, and she needed to take advantage of that. This was no time for a lecture, though, and Dimitri's expression told me he too thought it best I get back in shape. We took off toward where Sonya told us Jill was, and this time, her directions were as specific as she could make them. No more vagueness or binding promises. We stopped once to â€Å"acquire' a new car and get a map. The info Sonya had gleaned from Jill led us to a town called Sturgis. While it was in the western half of Michigan, it was also south–meaning the distance wasn't quite as long as we'd expected. Nonetheless, Dimitri drove at least fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit the whole time. â€Å"There,' said Sonya, as we rolled into downtown Sturgis–which wasn't much of a downtown. We were near a modest-looking motel on a side street. â€Å"That's what she described. The Sunshine Motel.' Dimitri pulled into the lot behind the building, and we all sat there, staring at the motel, which didn't look as cheerful as its name. Like me, I presumed my companions were trying to figure out how to approach this. Jill's dream info had gotten us here, but Sonya had nothing else to help us find their room–if they were even still here. They certainly wouldn't have checked in under real names. I was going to suggest we just walk past the doors and hope Sonya would sense Robert when she suddenly pointed. â€Å"That's their car,' she said. â€Å"They're here.' Sure enough. There was the CR-V we'd taken to Jill's house. Talk about karma. I'd swiped Victor's keys, and he'd repaid the favor by taking ours. None of us had thought much about his escape vehicle in the ensuing chaos. â€Å"Sloppy,' murmured Dimitri, eyes narrowed thoughtfully. â€Å"They should have switched cars.' â€Å"That's Sydney's,' I pointed out. â€Å"It's not technically stolen, so it's not on any police lists. Besides, something tells me Victor and Robert aren't hot-wiring pros like some people are.' We'd left a string of stolen cars across the Midwest. Dimitri nodded, like I'd actually just complimented him. â€Å"Whatever the reason, it helps us.' â€Å"How do we find them?' asked Sonya. I was about to suggest the aura plan but dismissed it. Robert would sense Sonya at the same moment, giving him brief warning. Plus, when we found the brothers, there'd likely be a fight. Doing it in the motel would attract attention. This parking lot was in back, away from the main road. â€Å"We wait,' I said. â€Å"It's amazing enough that they even stopped this long. If they have any sense, they'll leave soon.' â€Å"Agreed,' said Dimitri, catching my eyes. Souls in sync. The memory of that near-kiss returned, and I looked away, fearing what my face would betray. â€Å"The lot's easy to defend too. Not much room for escape.' It was true. The motel flanked one side, a concrete wall the other. There weren't many other buildings nearby either. He moved our car to the farthest spot he could in the lot, providing us with a full view of it and the motel's exit–but keeping us semi-concealed. We considered sitting in the car, but Dimitri and I decided we should wait outside, giving us more mobility. We left Sonya inside. This wasn't her fight. Standing behind the car with Dimitri, in the shadow of a leafy maple, I became acutely aware of his proximity and fierce warrior stance. He might be missing his duster, but I had to admit I liked the view of him I got without the coat. â€Å"I don't suppose,' I said softly, â€Å"that we're going to talk about this morning?' Dimitri's eyes were fixed so hard on the CR-V that he might have been trying to make Jill and the brothers materialize inside it. I wasn't fooled. He was just avoiding looking at me. â€Å"There's nothing to talk about.' â€Å"I knew you'd say that. Actually, it was a toss-up between that and â€Å"I don't know what you're talking about.† Dimitri sighed. â€Å"But,' I continued, â€Å"there is something to talk about. Like when you almost kissed me. And what did you mean about â€Å"the right thing'?' Silence. â€Å"You wanted to kiss me!' It was hard to keep my voice low. â€Å"I saw it.' â€Å"Just because we want something doesn't mean it's right.' â€Å"What I said †¦ it's true, isn't it? You can love, can't you? I realize now that right after the transformation, you really didn't think you could. And you probably couldn't. But things have changed. You're getting yourself back.' Dimitri gave me a sidelong look. â€Å"Yes. Things have changed †¦ and some haven't.' â€Å"Okay, Mr. Enigma. That doesn't help explain the â€Å"right thing' comment.' Frustration filled his features. â€Å"Rose, I've done a lot of bad things, most of which I can never fix or find redemption for. My only choice now, if I want to reclaim my life, is to go forward, stopping evil and doing what's right. And what is not right is taking a woman from another man, a man I like and respect. I'll steal cars. I'll break into houses. But there are lines I will not cross, no matter what I–‘ The motel's back door opening jolted us to attention. It was no wonder my love life was so messed up when the most profound and intimate moments were always being interrupted by dire situations. It was just as well because I had never, ever seen that line coming: What is not right is taking a woman from another man, a man I like and respect. New drama took precedence. Victor stepped outside, with Robert and Jill walking side by side behind him. I'd half expected to see her tied up and was surprised that she accompanied them so calmly. Too calmly, I soon realized. It wasn't natural. There was an almost robotic feel to her movements: she was being compelled into docility. â€Å"Compulsion,' said Dimitri quietly, recognizing it as well. â€Å"Go for Victor. I'll get Robert.' I nodded. â€Å"Jill will run as soon as the compulsion's broken. I hope.' I didn't put it past her to join our fight, which could cause more harm than good. We'd find out soon enough. Mercifully, no one else was around. It was still fairly early in the morning. Dimitri and I sprang out from our hiding spots, crossing the distance of the parking lot in a matter of moments. Two healthy dhampirs could outrace two old Moroi any day. And as crafty as they might be, the brothers hadn't expected us. In my periphery, I just barely saw Dimitri kicking into warrior god mode, fierce and unstoppable. Then, I focused entirely on Victor, throwing my full weight at him and knocking him to the ground. He hit hard against the asphalt, and I pinned him down, slamming my fist into his face and making his nose bleed. â€Å"Well done,' he gasped out. â€Å"I've been wanting to do that for a very long time,' I growled. Victor smiled through the pain and the blood. â€Å"Of course you have. I used to think Belikov was the savage one, but it's really you, isn't it? You're the animal with no control, no higher reasoning except to fight and kill.' I clenched his shirt and leaned him over him. â€Å"Me? I'm not the one who tortured Lissa for my own benefit. I'm not the one who turned my daughter Strigoi. And I'm sure as hell not the one who used compulsion to kidnap a fifteen-year-old girl!' To my disgust, he kept that maddening smile on his face. â€Å"She's valuable, Rose. So, so valuable. You have no idea how much so.' â€Å"She's not an object for you to manipulate!' I cried. â€Å"She's a–ahh!' The ground suddenly rolled up beneath me, a mini-earthquake centered around us. The asphalt bucked up, giving Victor the leverage to push me off. It wasn't a strong push, and I could have easily recovered my balance if not for the ground rippling and surrounding me, rolling like ocean waves to knock me over. Victor was using his earth magic to control the area where I stood. Faint cries of surprise told me others were feeling a little of it, but the magic was clearly focused on me. Not without cost, though. Victor was an old man–an old man I'd just shoved onto asphalt and punched. Pain and fatigue were all over him, and his labored breathing told me wielding magic this powerful–something I'd never seen an earth user do–was pushing every ounce of strength he had left. One good punch. That was all I needed. One good punch would knock him down and take him out of this fight. Only, I was the one being taken down. Literally. Try as I might, my personal earthquake got the best of me, knocking me to my knees. I was still in that stupid dress too, meaning my newly healed legs got scraped again. And once I was down, the asphalt rose around me. I realized Victor was going to ensnare me by creating a stone prison. I couldn't let that happen. â€Å"All that brawn for nothing,' gasped out Victor, sweat pouring off his face. â€Å"It does you no good in the end. Real power is in the mind. In cunning. In controlling Jillian, I control Vasilisa. With Vasilisa, I control the Dragomirs, and from there–the Moroi. That's power. That's strength.' Most of his smug tirade went over me. But part of it stuck: In controlling Jillian, I control Vasilisa. Lissa. I couldn't let him hurt her. I couldn't let him use her. In fact, I couldn't let him use Jill either. Lissa had given me a chotki, which was kind of a cross between a bracelet and a rosary. It was a Dragomir heirloom, bestowed upon those who protected the family. That was my duty: to protect all the Dragomirs. The old guardian mantra rang in my mind: They come first. With skill I didn't know I possessed, I sized up the shaking ground and attempted to stand again. I made it, practically dancing in that parking lot. And as I stared at Victor, I felt what Sonya had warned about: the catalyst. The spark that would ignite the darkness I'd gathered and gathered from Lissa. In looking at him, I saw all the evils of my life in one man. Was that entirely accurate? No, not exactly. But he had hurt my best friend–nearly killed her. He'd toyed with Dimitri and me, complicating what was already a mess of a relationship. He was now trying to control others. When would it end? When would his evil stop? Red and black tinged my vision. I heard a voice call my name–Sonya's, I think. But in that moment, there was nothing else in the world but Victor and my hate for him. I sprang at him, fueled by rage and adrenaline, leaping out of the epicenter of shaking ground that threatened to seize me. Once more, I threw myself at him, but we didn't hit the ground. We'd shifted position slightly, and instead, we hit the concrete wall–with just as much force as I might have thrown a Strigoi. His head bent back at the impact. I heard an odd cracking sound, and Victor slumped to the ground. I immediate dropped down, grabbing his arms and shaking him. â€Å"Get up!' I screamed. â€Å"Get up and fight me!' But no matter how much I shook him or yelled, Victor would not stand. He wouldn't move on his own. Hands grabbed me, trying futilely to pull me away. â€Å"Rose–Rose! Stop. Stop this.' I ignored the voice, ignored the hands. I was all anger and power, wanting– no, needing–Victor to face me once and for all. Suddenly, a strange sensation crept along me, like fingertips across my skin. Let him go. I didn't want to, but for half a second, it seemed like a reasonable idea. I loosened my hold slightly, just enough for those hands to jerk me away. Like that, I snapped out of the haze and realized what had happened. The person who'd pulled me was Sonya, and she'd used a tiny bit of compulsion to get me away and let go of Victor. She was strong enough in her power that she didn't even need eye contact. She held onto me, even though she had to know it was wasted effort. â€Å"I have to stop him,' I said, wriggling from her grasp. â€Å"He has to pay.' I reached for him again. Sonya gave up on physical restraint, appealing to words instead. â€Å"Rose, he has! He's dead. Can't you see that? Dead. Victor's dead!' No, I didn't see that–not at first. All I saw was my blind obsession, my need to get to Victor. But then, her words broke through to me. As I gripped Victor, I felt the limpness in his body. I saw the eyes that looked blankly at †¦ nothing. That crazy, churning emotion in me faded, transforming into shock. My grip slackened as I stared at him and truly understood what she had said. Understood what I had done. Then, I heard a terrible sound. A low wailing broke through the frozen horror in my mind. I glanced back in alarm and saw Dimitri standing with Robert. Robert's arms were pinned behind his back as Dimitri effortlessly held him, but the Moroi was doing everything in his power–and failing–to break free. Jill stood nearby, looking uneasily at all of us, confused and afraid. â€Å"Victor! Victor!' Robert's pleas were muffled by sobs and as useless as my own efforts to get Victor up. I dragged my gaze back down to the body before me, barely believing what I had just done. I'd thought the guardians had been crazy in their reaction to Eddie killing a Moroi, but now, I was starting to understand. A monster like a Strigoi was one thing. But the life of a person, even a person who– â€Å"Get him out of here!' Sonya was so near me that the unexpected exclamation made me wince. She'd been kneeling too but now jumped to her feet, turning toward Dimitri. â€Å"Get him out of here! As far as you can!' Dimitri looked surprised, but the powerful command in her voice drove him to instant action. He began dragging Robert away. After a few moments, Dimitri simply opted to toss the man over his shoulder and cart him off. I would have expected cries of protest, but Robert had fallen silent. His eyes were on Victor's body–their gaze so sharp, so focused that they seemed like they could burn a hole through someone. Sonya, not having my fanciful impression, thrust herself between the brothers and dropped to the ground again, covering Victor's body with her own. â€Å"Get him out of here!' she called again. â€Å"He's trying to bring Victor back! He'll be shadow-kissed!' I was still confused and upset, still appalled at what I'd done, but the danger of what she said hit me hard. Robert couldn't be allowed to bring back Victor back. The brothers were dangerous enough without being bonded. Victor couldn't be allowed to summon ghosts the way I could. Victor had to stay dead. â€Å"Doesn't he have to touch the body?' I asked. â€Å"To finish the bond, yes. But he was wielding tons of spirit just now, calling Victor's soul back and keeping it around,' she explained. When Dimitri and Robert were gone, Sonya told me to help her move the body. We'd made too much noise, and it was a wonder no one had come out yet. Jill joined us, and I moved without really being aware of what I was doing. Sonya found the keys to the CR-V on Victor and flattened the backseats to increase the rear cargo space. We crawled into it, the three of us having to hunch down to stay out of sight. We soon heard voices, people coming to see what had happened. I don't know long they were in the parking lot, only that they mercifully didn't search cars. Honestly? I had few coherent thoughts at all. That rage was gone, but my mind was a mess. I couldn't seem to get a hold of anything concrete. I felt sick and just followed Sonya's orders, staying low as I tried not to look at Victor's body. Even after the voices were gone, she kept us in the car. At last, she exhaled a deep breath and focused on me. â€Å"Rose?' I didn't answer right away. â€Å"Rose?' â€Å"Yeah?' I asked, voice cracking. Her voice was soothing and cajoling. I felt that crawling on my skin again and a need to please her. â€Å"I need you to look at the dead. Open your eyes to them.' The dead? No. My mind felt out of control, and I had enough sense to know bringing ghosts here would be a bad idea. â€Å"I can't.' â€Å"You can,' she said. â€Å"I'll help you. Please.' I couldn't refuse her compulsion. Expanding my senses, I let down the walls I kept around me. They were the walls that blocked me from the world of the dead and the ghosts that followed me around. Within moments, translucent faces appeared before me, some like normal people and others terrible and ghastly. Their mouths opened, wanting to speak but unable to. â€Å"What do you see?' asked Sonya. â€Å"Spirits,' I whispered. â€Å"Do you see Victor?' I peered into the swarm of faces, seeking anyone familiar. â€Å"No.' â€Å"Push them back,' she said. â€Å"Put your walls back up.' I tried to do as she said, but it was hard. I didn't have the will. I felt outside encouragement and realized Sonya was still compelling me. She couldn't make the ghosts disappear, but feelings of support and determination strengthened me. I shut out the restless dead. â€Å"He's gone then,' Sonya said. â€Å"He's either completely consumed by the world of the dead or is wandering as a restless spirit. Regardless, any lingering threads to life are gone. He can't come back to life.' She turned to Jill. â€Å"Go get Dimitri.' â€Å"I don't know where he is,' said Jill, startled. Sonya smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. â€Å"Close, I'm sure. And watching. Go walk around the motel, the block, whatever. He'll find you.' Jill left, needing no compulsion. When she was gone, I buried my face in my hands. â€Å"Oh God. Oh God. All this time, I denied it, but it's true: I am a murderer.' â€Å"Don't think about that yet,' said Sonya. Her take-charge attitude was almost comforting. Almost. It was easier to take orders than fend for yourself. â€Å"Deal with your guilt later. For now, we have to get rid of the body.' I uncovered my eyes and forced myself to look at Victor. Nausea welled up within me, and those crazy feelings spun even more out of control. I gave a harsh laugh. â€Å"Yes. The body. I wish Sydney was here. But we don't have any magic potions. The sun won't destroy him. Weird, isn't it? Strigoi are harder to kill †¦ harder to kill, easier to clean up.' I laughed again because there was something familiar about my rambling †¦ it was like Adrian in one of his weird moments. Or Lissa when spirit had pushed her to the edge. â€Å"This is it, isn't it?' I asked Sonya. â€Å"The flood †¦ the flood you warned me about. Lissa escaped spirit, but it finally defeated me †¦ just like Anna †¦ just like the dream †¦ oh God. This is the dream, isn't it? But I won't wake up †¦' Sonya was staring at me, her blue eyes wide with †¦ fear? Mockery? Alarm? She reached out and took my hand. â€Å"Stay with me, Rose. We'll push it back.' A knock at the window startled us both, and Sonya let Jill and Dimitri in. â€Å"Where's Robert?' asked Sonya. Dimitri glanced down at Victor and then promptly looked away. â€Å"Unconscious, hidden in some bushes around the corner.' â€Å"Charming,' said Sonya. â€Å"Do you think that's smart? Leaving him?' He shrugged. â€Å"I figured I shouldn't be seen carrying an unconscious guy in my arms. In fact †¦ yes, I think we should just leave him there. He'll wake up. He's not a fugitive. And without Victor, he's †¦ well, not harmless. But less harmful. We can't keep dragging him with us anyway.' I laughed again, that laugh that seemed unhinged and hysterical even to me. â€Å"He's unconscious. Of course. Of course. You can do that. You can do the right thing. Not me.' I looked down at Victor. â€Å"†An animal,' he said. He was right. No higher reasoning †¦' I wrapped my arms around myself, my fingernails digging into my skin so hard they drew blood. Physical pain to make the mental pain go away. Wasn't that what Lissa had always said? Dimitri stared at me and then turned to Sonya. â€Å"What's wrong?' he demanded. I'd seen him risk his life over and over, but never, until now, had he truly looked afraid. â€Å"Spirit,' said Sonya. â€Å"She's pulled and pulled for so long †¦ and managed to hold it back. It's been waiting, though. Always waiting †¦' She frowned slightly, maybe realizing she was starting to sound like me. She turned to Jill. â€Å"Is that silver?' Jill looked down at the heart-shaped locket around her neck. â€Å"I think so.' â€Å"Can I have it?' Jill undid the clasp and passed it over. Sonya held it between her palms and closed her eyes a moment, pursing her lips. A few seconds later, her eyes opened, and she handed me the locket. â€Å"Put it on.' Just touching it gave me a strange tingling in my skin. â€Å"The heart †¦' I looked at Dimitri as I fastened the clasp. â€Å"Do you remember that? â€Å"Where's the heart?' you asked. And here it is. Here it †¦' I stopped. The world suddenly became crisper. My jumbled thoughts slowly began to move back together, forming some semblance of rationality. I stared at my companions–the living ones–truly seeing them now. I touched the locket. â€Å"This is a healing charm.' Sonya nodded. â€Å"I didn't know if it'd work on the mind. I don't think it's a permanent fix †¦ but between it and your own will, you'll be okay for a while.' I tried not to focus on those last words. For a while. Instead, I tried to make sense of the world around me. Of the body in front of me. â€Å"What have I done?' I whispered. Jill put her arm around me, but it was Dimitri who spoke. â€Å"What you had to.'

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Review of the “Safety Training” Episode of The Office Television Series Essay

The mockumentary-inspired effort of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in presenting real life situations of workplace environment has paid off with the apparent success of the network’s American version of British BBC 2001 hit television comedy show â€Å"The Office. † The 2005 release of the TV series in the United States paved the way for the public’s realization of the various exploits existing within an organizational setting. This is primarily due to the diversified hence obvious clashing of personalities and professional attributes among office personnel. In particular, such office conflict is clearly manifested by the 47th episode of â€Å"The Office† entitled â€Å"Safety Training. † This is where Andy Bernard who is being portrayed by actor Ed Helms and who after finishing his anger management therapy, returned to Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton, Pennsylvania branch which is a fictional paper supply office. It is during this specific episode that arguments concerning employees’ egos, improper conducts and boredom have become more effectively depicted. In the said episode, Regional Manager Michael Scoot, played by actor Steve Carell, showed his usual hazardous antics, which eventually endangered an employee and required all of them to undergo safety training. This showed a thesis that anything is inevitably risky in an office environment or that any office activity, even a supposedly safety training, may go astray if the personnel involved are apparently clashing with each other and are always in conflict thus despairing people. Ultimately, the said episode which was carried out in an amusing spoof manner manifested that an office-based depression is a threat to an employee (Novak & Ramis, 2007). Lastly, such episode of â€Å"The Office† generally imparted a premise that each office equipment and machinery has its own function and possible danger which may affect both the employees and organizational performance. Hence, office employees need to protect themselves regardless of their respective conflicts in order to achieve office success. Reference Novak, B. J. & Ramis, H. (2007). Safety Training. In G. Daniels, The Office. Los Angeles: Reveille Productions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

People of Filipino Heritage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

People of Filipino Heritage - Essay Example The literature review unveils some key findings that can be a hindrance to the provision of culture competent care. In communication, the Filipinos culture requires a nurse to demonstrate a high level of understanding and compassion through the use of the right and respectful title for the elderly. Nonverbal communication and respect for personal space are other aspects that will make communication effective. A brief look at the family organization and roles reveals that roles are given to members according to their age and ability. Those who can work fend for the family while the elderly are caregivers to the infants and the young. In health care, Filipinos use both traditional and contemporary medication. The traditional or herbalist intervention is the initial consultant before resorting to hospitals if conditions persist. Economic stagnation and a constantly growing labor force in the Philippines is the main cause of its emigration policy. The aim of this emigration policy is to export the surplus labor to other parts of the world and alleviate the level of pressure that the home economy is facing in an attempt to provide jobs (Zontini, 2010). In this study, the asymmetry of migration by gender is also a subject of discussion. Many of the literature cited in this work point to the socio-economic aspects of life as the main cause of migration from Philippines. The patterns of emigration of the Filipinos by gender have a number of differences. For most Filipino women, the countries that they migrate to present opportunities for female related jobs like nursing and health related functions. For their male compatriots, the countries they migrate to provide opportunities in fields that are labor intensive and masculine jobs. Examples of the counties that the males migrate to are Gulf region countries with oil and that provide labor intensive jobs. Females, on the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 18

Assignment - Essay Example ?The way schools work: A sociological analysis of education† and â€Å"School and Society† were the most critical readings.The books served to introduce the contexts of how schools served to promote social values. This paper will present a reflection of the critical things I learned throughout the course. The first chapter of â€Å"The way schools work: A sociological analysis of education† introduced an interesting concept that helped me to understand the purposes for the different systems of organizations evident in schools today. For a long time, I had been wondering why American schools have adopted the modern system of organization. Chapter 2 of the same book helped me to recognize the structures and dynamics of schools that qualify them to be social organizations. Worth noting is the fact that students from different backgrounds have an opportunity to interact freely with the school systems. In addition, the school content covers certain critical social concepts that shape the perception of the students. It emerged to me that schools are critical social organizations explaining why it is important to develop an effective curriculum for the American schools. In the third chapter of the book, I gained familiarity with the social impact that schools have on children. Notabl y, the interactions between different children in the school setting lead to an exchange of social and cultural values. For many students, it is impossible to resist the social impact experienced in schools. Therefore, there is a salient need for teachers to promote positive socialization within the school system in an effort to avoid negative social impact. From a personal experience, schools can affect an individual in different ways. During my early school days, I gained familiarity with different cultural aspects. For this reason, I have first-hand experience that schools have a critical social impact on students. The content discussed in the school system also served to shape my social

Monday, October 7, 2019

Poverty and Pollution Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Poverty and Pollution Case Study - Essay Example Many of the businesses firms in third world nations across continents have collapsed due to in obedience to the business ethics. More on that, said nations do not establish an ethical decision making process. Ethical decision-making process encourages ethical business behavior (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2012).   Business Pollution and Poverty. Third World Countries are the states characterized by poor economies. Developing countries is another name for these very poor nations in the world. The common factors that makes a state be referred to as a Third World Country are low economical development, high poverty levels, heavy dependency to industrialized states, mortality infancy is high, and low natural resource utilization. The developing countries, famously Third World Countries, have a characteristic that they are technologically less developed, and they highly depend on the industrialized nations in the world for their survival. Moreover, these states has a high population grow th rate, high levels of illiteracy, and diseases since they do not establish proper disease management practices in both prevention and treatment. In addition, the reported high diseases are due to poor environmental conservation practices. This may include poor disposal of chemical industrial emissions to the air and water bodies. The pollution mostly occurs in water, land, and noise. These pollutions are done through dumping or disposal of toxic chemicals into the water bodies, and toxic gasses into the atmosphere (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2012).  The said disposal leads to business environmental contamination. This greatly affects inhabitants around the industrial business firm. Arguably, it can therefore, be said that the firm’s workers reside from within the environment. This reflects that pollution of the environment will have to affect the firm in one way or the other. This in turn, affects the production process of the firm activities. Besides the above named type s of pollutions, there exists land pollution, which has turned out to be a threat in many nations of the United States; majorly those depend on agricultural activities for survival. It is arguable that, when the soil through land pollution is contaminated, it no longer becomes nutritious for crop growth. This will consequently, lead to reduced crop yield and hence, hunger. Consequently, the said land pollution leads to poverty through the said reduced farm crop yields and hunger. Arguably, many industries have greatly aided the environmental pollution in million ways. Many extracting companies and industries have taken minimum precautions in environmental conservation, an act that has lead to a lot of pollution. Evidently, if suitable cautions and precautions not well taken, then it mean the future generation of the society is greatly, exposed to danger as some of the extraction companies, deal with nuclear element, and some radioactive chemicals. These elements really pollute the a tmosphere, which carries the air (oxygen) we breathe. Some of the industrial excretions, the unwanted toxic chemical materials are dumped, or disposed in rivers and other water bodies. (Tittle, 2000).   People in the society nearly are, exposed to the contaminated water sources and bodies on daily basis through either consumption or bathing. Understanding that the water is chemically contaminated, high chances are that the habitants of the business environm